A judge in occupied Western Sahara today concluded that the verdict in the case against Saharawi journalist Nazha El Khalidi would be announced on 8 July Today, the controversial case against Saharawi journalist Nazha El Khalidi commenced in front of the Court of...
On April 27th 2019, The Human Rights Center at the University of California Berkeley School of Law hosted a screening of Democracy Now!’s documentary, “Four Days in Occupied Western Sahara, Africa’s Last Colony”, followed by a discussion with...
The Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic took its seat at the Official Presentation of the African Union Strategy for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the African Union Headquarters in New York. The Saharawi’s Writer, Journalist, and SAUSA member Agaila Abba...
To celebrate diversity at it’s camps, Luther College annually organizes a festival for the surrounding communities to learn more about worldwide cultures presented at it’s camps. This year Rabab Mohamed, a freshman at Luther College and a SAUSA member,...
By Deich Mohamed Saleh The long-standing problem of Western Sahara seems to reach its end as the new Special Envoy of the UNSG, H.E. Hurst Kohler, the Germany’s former president, was able to get back on track the negotiations on self-determination of the people of...
Feb. 20th 2019inma zanoguera The Western Sahara has caught significant media attention in recent months. Occasional headlines announcing a scheduled dialogue between all parties involved beat the shy drums of potential agreements: one talk in December, one in...