Date: October 10th,2020
RE: 10th Anniversary of the Gdeim Izik protest camp in Occupied Western Sahara.
 Press Release

Ten years ago, on October 10th, 2010, thousands of Sahrawis engaged in a totally mind-blowing and unexpected action when they set up what would be later called the Gdeim Izik peaceful protest camp to draw local, regional and international attention to their political, economic and social situation within the territories occupied by Morocco in Western Sahara. Today, Saharwis all over the world celebrates this occasion and the tenth anniversary of the first tent to be erected in the Gdaim Izik camp by a small group of Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara erected their tents in the desert located in the outskirts of El-Aaiun city, 12 km from El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, in a place called Gdeim Izik.This camps was meant to serve as asymbolic peaceful protest against Morocco’s violation of their rights.It was like a cry for help,alert and a reach out to the international community that failed the people of Western Sahara for many decades. Thousands of Sahrawi civilians had left the town of El-Aaiun to establish athis camp that was later described by the Great thinker: Noam Chomsky , in a televised meeting, as the sparking off the Arab Spring. This wake up call camp was also an opportunity to reaffirm their desire for self-determination and to express the will of the people towards the disgusting occupation that has been oppressing them since 1975.
Saharawi Association in USA, SAUSA<, seizes this opportunity to salute the Saharawis makers of great actions and heroes of all oppressed people standing up against occupation and oppression. SAUSA highly values the establishing and the achievements of the Gdeim Izik camp.
Therefore, SAUSA declares the following:
1- The release of all Saharawi Prisoners of Freedom in Moroccan prisons.2-demand the finishing up and terminating the occupation in Africa’s last colony.3- Calling upon the UN and the UNSC to uphold their charts and to keep their promises given long-ago to the people o Western Sahara whereby Saharawis are enabled to exercise their right of Self-Determination.4- Call upon the international community to fulfill their obligation towards the people and the issue of Western Sahara.


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